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1 business development executive job found for you.

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sales & marketing
sales associates and supermarket staff
business development executive
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    • stock exchange, maharashtra
    • permanent
    Qualification: - B.E. Mechanical/ any specific Diploma/Degree in Mould DesigningExperience: - Minimum 10-12 years’(In which 3-4 years actually worked in any Tool Room of mould mfg.) experience in Mould Developments (HDPE/PET BOTTLES/CONTAINERS)  also having good knowledge of relevant design software (AUTOCAD,3D MODEL ETC.) Job Responsibility: Product DevelopmentProduct DesigningSourcing mould Makers Co-ordination with Marketing- factory- Mould Maker for
    Qualification: - B.E. Mechanical/ any specific Diploma/Degree in Mould DesigningExperience: - Minimum 10-12 years’(In which 3-4 years actually worked in any Tool Room of mould mfg.) experience in Mould Developments (HDPE/PET BOTTLES/CONTAINERS)  also having good knowledge of relevant design software (AUTOCAD,3D MODEL ETC.) Job Responsibility: Product DevelopmentProduct DesigningSourcing mould Makers Co-ordination with Marketing- factory- Mould Maker for

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