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1 permanent business development manager job found for you.

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3professional field
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marketing communications
commerce, marketing and communication managers
business development manager
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marketing communications
commerce, marketing and communication managers
business development manager
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    • new delhi, delhi
    • permanent
    Role and responsibilities:1. Strengthening existing customer relationships and developing new relationships across nationalgeography.2. Analyze state-wise demand and supply situation along with their power position in the comingtimes.3. Managing, motivating, and coaching team of business development professionals to achievebusiness targets.4. Preparation of contracts/offers and submission to prospective clients.5. Preparation of letters/presentation/data
    Role and responsibilities:1. Strengthening existing customer relationships and developing new relationships across nationalgeography.2. Analyze state-wise demand and supply situation along with their power position in the comingtimes.3. Managing, motivating, and coaching team of business development professionals to achievebusiness targets.4. Preparation of contracts/offers and submission to prospective clients.5. Preparation of letters/presentation/data