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1 technical operations analyst job found for you.

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software and application developers
technical operations analyst
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software and application developers
technical operations analyst
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    • antop hill, maharashtra
    • permanent
    4+ years experience in desining development and and support experience in SAP Basis consultant. Perform SAP HANA Basis activities and support S/4HANA KAMEA operations.•Should be able to perform S/4 HANA system refreshes.•Participates in CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting and helping change managers in change reviews.•Work on BASIS Incidents, Service Requests, Changes, Transport Movement, Continuous Improvements, Maintenance activities like Kernel
    4+ years experience in desining development and and support experience in SAP Basis consultant. Perform SAP HANA Basis activities and support S/4HANA KAMEA operations.•Should be able to perform S/4 HANA system refreshes.•Participates in CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting and helping change managers in change reviews.•Work on BASIS Incidents, Service Requests, Changes, Transport Movement, Continuous Improvements, Maintenance activities like Kernel