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1 hr business partner job found for you.

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hr employees
hr business partner
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hr employees
hr business partner
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    • pune, maharashtra
    • permanent
    Business HR Practices To provide strategic support to teams with operational & functional needsEnhance a culture to understand the business to cater to the customer demands and ensure customer delightRe-structuring & streamlining organizational Practices into Policies, Formulation and revamp or HR policiesWorked proactively in the areas of diversity, attrition analysis and retention strategies, and change management and communications.Support key HR
    Business HR Practices To provide strategic support to teams with operational & functional needsEnhance a culture to understand the business to cater to the customer demands and ensure customer delightRe-structuring & streamlining organizational Practices into Policies, Formulation and revamp or HR policiesWorked proactively in the areas of diversity, attrition analysis and retention strategies, and change management and communications.Support key HR