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1 manager - planning job found for you.

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business management
business and administrative services managers
manager - planning
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business management
business and administrative services managers
manager - planning
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    • mpt, maharashtra
    • permanent
    Candidate shall have experience in Planning of similar large scale construction projects (Elevated/UG Metros).Candidate shall have good knowledge Primavera & MSP.Candidate shall have good knowledge in Construction Scheduling, WBS, Progress Monitoring, Costing & Budgeting.Candidate shall have good knowledge about Elevated / UG Metro Project construction elements like Viaduct, Station construction.The Candidate shall determine the resources required from
    Candidate shall have experience in Planning of similar large scale construction projects (Elevated/UG Metros).Candidate shall have good knowledge Primavera & MSP.Candidate shall have good knowledge in Construction Scheduling, WBS, Progress Monitoring, Costing & Budgeting.Candidate shall have good knowledge about Elevated / UG Metro Project construction elements like Viaduct, Station construction.The Candidate shall determine the resources required from

    other business and administrative services managers jobs