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1 cashier job found for you.

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    • udyog bhawan, delhi
    • permanent
    Embassay of Sweden is looking for a Administration Assistant, cashier role in Delhi. Job Description:  Administration Assistant, cashierResponsible for the Embassy’s book-keeping and monthly statements of accounts. Embassy uses ‘Business World’ for accounting.Responsible for signing incoming and outgoing payment orders, conducting reconciliations, and planning of Budget & supply of fundsResponsible for the Embassy’s cash, cash ledgers and cash
    Embassay of Sweden is looking for a Administration Assistant, cashier role in Delhi. Job Description:  Administration Assistant, cashierResponsible for the Embassy’s book-keeping and monthly statements of accounts. Embassy uses ‘Business World’ for accounting.Responsible for signing incoming and outgoing payment orders, conducting reconciliations, and planning of Budget & supply of fundsResponsible for the Embassy’s cash, cash ledgers and cash

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