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1 digital forensics expert job found for you.

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mechanical- and industrial engineers
technicians and engineers -industry and mechanical engineering
digital forensics expert
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mechanical- and industrial engineers
technicians and engineers -industry and mechanical engineering
digital forensics expert
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    • chennai, tamil nadu
    • permanent
    Duties: Ensure that processing requirements are met as determined by both the customer, project manager(s), and operations management.Ability to prioritize multiple projects with similar deadlines.Primary support for eDiscovery processing and Project Management departmentEvidence handling, duplications, and Chain of Custody proceduresData culling & collectionsInvolving data repair/manipulations/conversionsProcess data requests, consistently update and
    Duties: Ensure that processing requirements are met as determined by both the customer, project manager(s), and operations management.Ability to prioritize multiple projects with similar deadlines.Primary support for eDiscovery processing and Project Management departmentEvidence handling, duplications, and Chain of Custody proceduresData culling & collectionsInvolving data repair/manipulations/conversionsProcess data requests, consistently update and

    other technicians and engineers -industry and mechanical engineering jobs