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1 permanent product manager job found for you.

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marketing communications
marketing- and pr consultants
product manager
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marketing communications
marketing- and pr consultants
product manager
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    • new delhi, delhi
    • permanent
    Job Description :-A Product Manager is in charge of a product throughout its product lifecycle. That includes working out what customers want, helping the business to build the right product, and then supporting the business to sell it. They also provide the product vision and leadership for the many other roles involved in developing, supporting, marketing, and selling the product. That includes ensuring the product supports the company’s strategy and
    Job Description :-A Product Manager is in charge of a product throughout its product lifecycle. That includes working out what customers want, helping the business to build the right product, and then supporting the business to sell it. They also provide the product vision and leadership for the many other roles involved in developing, supporting, marketing, and selling the product. That includes ensuring the product supports the company’s strategy and