According to studies, India experienced close to 20 percent churn in mid and senior level hires in 2016. New age organisations are questioning the recruitment status quo by offering challenging roles, higher pay packages and greater freedom to the millennials to express themselves.
The current work environment demands removal of silos from the current recruitment process to create a more coordinated approach.
All of us in the world of recruitment, know that a good resume doesn’t necessarily translate into a good recruit. True alignment comes at 3 levels - the job, the boss and the company. Recruitment of such compatible people is possible only when existing team members from the hiring team collaborate with the recruitment team to build an inclusive recruitment process.
The foundation of a good recruitment process
A coordinated recruitment strategy is created on the bedrock of collaborative communication and teamwork. Processes are created on this surmise and in such a work atmosphere, employees learn from and cooperate with each other.
An effective coordination between the recruitment and project teams brings forth feedback that thoroughly vets and reviews a candidate, follows up with effective interviews so that selection of the candidate is not constrained to a single person’s impression and evaluation.
While building an inclusive recruitment process, it’s critical to objectively define success. Categorising and quantifying success parameters along with defining cut-offs can help improve your time to hire.
Inclusive recruitment - putting the organisation first
A collaborative recruiting process gives diverse perspectives on the job description and evaluation of potential candidates, thereby minimising the risk of bad hires. There is a palpable ownership of new hires amongst the interviewers, and this will provide the new hires the confidence to bring themselves up to speed. A collaborative recruiting processes also creates a system of checks and balances, mitigates individual burnout, ensures company culture is equally represented and reduces the chance of bias. Every recruitment strategy improved collaboratively and every new hire recruited collaboratively is a huge positive tick for the organisation culture of teamwork and ownership. Multiple team members feel enthused by the fact that they are part of a larger vision and organisation community. All of which goes to create a binding company culture.