Randstad Inhouse Services provides solutions for clients in many different industries such as automotive, call centers, manufacturing, food service and logistics. If you have a large, flexible workforce and are dealing with productivity challenges, these services might be right for you.
Randstad Inhouse Services specializes in providing customized workforce management that helps you meet specific business goals, such as improved workplace processes and increased productivity. Our inhouse concept includes on-site consulting backed by experts with Lean Six Sigma credentials, so you know that our teams know how to drive efficiencies within processes and create workflows that are designed to produce efficiency and quality.

the reasons our inhouse services work
We offer a tailor-made approach that’s not templated; your inhouse team takes time to understand your business needs, workforce and culture. You get a dedicated account team so you know who you're working with at all times. Your account team includes a commercial manager, account specialist and process manager who are supported by various subject matter experts to address questions or concerns in the legal, health, safety or compliance areas.
The account specialist provides daily, on-site support to create seamless workplace management solutions. This person takes on the work of recruitment and management of key processes such as onboarding, training, shift planning and communication with contingent workers.
We strive to create processes that increase worker retention as one way to drive productivity. We also employ strategic workforce planning tools that take into account market data, your own productivity data and the growth goals of your business.
5 ways randstad inhouse services can increase employee productivity
Randstad Inhouse Services can help your company realize productivity gains, which can lead to an exceptional return on investment. In fact, we can help clients achieve cost savings of at least 2 to 3% in their total workforce spend derived from productivity controls. Here are some of the top ways we achieve those improvements.
we can help clients achieve cost savings of at least 2 to 3% in their total workforce spend derived from productivity controls
1. lowering staff turnover
Research indicates that productivity drops as turnover increases. There are a number of reasons for this effect.
First, when attrition is high, leadership and human resources staff must concentrate on filling positions, including recruiting, hiring and onboarding. That leaves them with less time to focus on productivity-enhancing tasks such as training and coaching existing staff, developing and managing incentive programs and attending to bottlenecks or other productivity issues.
Turnover is also costly. It costs between 1.5 and two times an employee's salary to replace people on average. That expense means less money to use on managing and rewarding existing staff or to invest in prioritizing your top business goals.
Randstad Inhouse Services can improve recruitment and selection processes to ensure you're hiring the right people to minimize staff turnover. We can also implement a dedicated employee retention plan, focusing on concepts such as development opportunities and promoting strong work/life balance.
2. reducing the impact of absenteeism
According to the Total Financial Impact of Employee Absences Survey from SHRM, when workers are not present, productivity of the entire team can be reduced. On average, participants noted that the productivity of coworkers was reduced by up to 29.5% when teams were providing coverage for an absence, and supervisory productivity goes down on average by around 15%.
We know absenteeism is unavoidable, but it is manageable. Randstad Inhouse Services can help you plan in advance by forecasting your staffing needs, identifying business-critical tasks and cross-training your workforce. In fact, our innovative training process is specifically designed to ensure that alternative team members are trained to handle critical tasks despite any absenteeism issues.
Ultimately, the downturn in productivity associated with absenteeism occurs because of the friction of covering for others. When there's not a workable plan, people have to shift in the moment—sometimes in a manner that they're uncomfortable with or find annoying. Planning ahead reduces some of this friction to salvage productivity in the face of absenteeism.
3. effective shift planning
On top of proven approaches to recruiting and shift planning, Randstad offers its own tool called Youplan. This flexible shift management tool is ideal for employers requiring a high volume of seasonal or temporary workers. It helps ensure the appropriate workforce is available at any time to meet productivity needs and fulfill orders. Here's how it works:
- Randstad creates a talent pool for your workplace, which is done by selecting and vetting skilled workers who meet your company’s criteria.
- As the need for contingent workers arises, your hiring managers can post the desired shifts on the Youplan platform as well as how many workers are needed for each shift.
- Your designated pool of contingent workers have immediate access to these shift openings and can pick and choose which shifts they can cover. Once the allotted number of workers have successfully signed up, the shift is closed.
- Both your hiring managers and your pool of contingent workers have 24/7 access to the Youplan platform, which means available shifts can be posted and filled any time of the day or night.
- Our digital workforce planning tools not only ensures that all shifts are covered when you need them, but it also improves the workplace experience for the contingent workers.
4. flexibility
One common challenge across organizations of any type is staffing up to meet demands while addressing problems of waste in any process. What happens when demand drops periodically and you have too many employees on the line? Do you send some home—and how might that impact productivity when demand rises again?
If you're looking to make the most efficient use of your resources at all times, flexibility should be a key part of your organization. Our services and expertise will help you optimize your flexible hiring and align your talent supply with your production cycles.
With our inhouse concept, you can minimize wasted resources by scaling your workforce up and down as required, meaning you only pay for hours worked and overtime spend is minimized. Furthermore, you reduce the risk of deadlines being missed or orders not being filled due to understaffing.
5. workforce management
A large contingent workforce can be challenging. Your on-site consultant ensures that's not a problem by managing all contingent workers, ensuring daily communication and a bridge between business needs and workforce management.
This lets you benefit from the productivity wins that comes with contingent workers without having to attend to all HR processes yourself. That frees up your leadership and internal human resource teams to focus on your core business.
A second benefit is that the involvement of the on-site consultant gives Randstad a first-hand view of your workplace, making it easier for the dedicated team to identify changes that could help make your workforce happier, healthier and safer. We know how important well-being is for productivity, so we always look for areas where we can make suggestions for positive change.
see for yourself
Want to see how our services help a distribution center lock in profitability and productivity? Read our case study to find out more about the results, including decreased turnover, reduced overtime and more than $100k in savings.