How are our clients and candidates doing? What motivates them? And how can we assist in elevating their job satisfaction?

In a world where talent is scarce, understanding the true needs of skilled individuals becomes crucial. At Randstad, talent management is the cornerstone of our operations. Additionally, recognising that satisfied clients and candidates breed loyalty and goodwill, we understand the importance of a robust delight programme. Out of this necessity, Global Delight, our comprehensive customer satisfaction programme, was born.

This blog gives a short presentation of the Global Delight programme and how we use it to reach satisfaction levels of 8 or higher for all our clients and talents. This 8+ experience is important to us since it has been scientifically proven that if we are able to achieve this, we are able to gain loyalty, trust and recommendation. A loyal stakeholder will stay longer with us and hence will perform more business with us and hopefully recommend our services to their colleagues or friends. And if our stakeholders trust us, then we can truly become their partner for talent.


download our streamlined guide '6 steps to improve job satisfaction' for a straightforward approach to elevating employee satisfaction levels.

download the guide

identifying drivers of satisfaction and engagement

Global Delight is an innovative programme that we use to measure the drivers of satisfaction of both our clients and candidates. Through our scientific approach and years of research, we have identified those drivers that have a significant impact on raising the satisfaction levels of our stakeholders.

Not only do we measure the drivers and satisfaction scores within the talent and client journeys, the programme also includes a methodology to work continuously on elevating satisfaction and engagement levels. 

At its core, the programme is designed to perpetually evaluate stakeholder satisfaction, providing insights into their status, wellbeing and motivations. Our shared goal is to achieve satisfaction levels of 8 or higher in all journeys our clients and candidates go through. 

5 steps to higher satisfaction

Global Delight is designed to resonate with all colleagues, regardless of the role or seniority level. It is a pragmatic, proven programme built on five main steps:

global delight infographics
global delight infographics

1: survey set up

Establishing a survey structure for our markets, containing drivers of satisfaction that are applicable to the local market but also on a global level, allows us to leverage the best of both worlds. Our methodology includes continuous measurements of key drivers, satisfaction levels, NPS questions, and open-ended feedback channels, enabling our clients and talents to contribute to the process.

2: tooling 

Globally, we are implementing a cutting-edge satisfaction measurement tool, recognised as a leading customer feedback management software worldwide. With this tool, we are able to analyse feedback and measurements, empowering us to enhance both the client and talent experience. 

3: data

With our global C-sat measurement tool, we are conducting ongoing and real time measurements. All data is gathered per market, locally per country. But also globally, so that we are able to see trends and conduct analysis that will help all our markets across the globe. Based on the insights we have acquired, we will be able to create scalable actions while also developing market-specific strategies to address local needs.

4: training

Our delight programme is designed to be inclusive, enabling all colleagues to participate. Our global team provides training to local teams in various markets, instructing them on how to use the programme to boost satisfaction scores across all business segments.

5: anchoring

Once implemented, Global Delight is there to stay and will be anchored throughout the entire company. The programme is not something extra that our teams need to work on; it is part of our DNA and how we do things at Randstad. We have built a strong online community of delight ambassadors from over the world that shares best practices, and that helps to ensure that the delight mindset and way of working is embedded everywhere. 

understanding on an emotional level

Our scientific approach helps us understand what drives the satisfaction of our talent and clients on an emotional level. That means we know exactly what matters to them at a certain stage in their journey. With that knowledge we can determine what can be done to improve their experience and satisfaction even further. All with one goal in mind: making our clients and talents as satisfied as possible.  

one programme for all markets

Global Delight is implemented in most of our markets across the globe. Our ambition is to extend the programme to all remaining markets in the near future. Establishing a unified global programme enables us to measure the same drivers across all markets simultaneously. Moreover, the data collected will be used for global analysis and focus on initiatives that will benefit all markets. 

about the author
sanjay shetty
sanjay shetty

sanjay shetty

head, search & selection & strategic accounts

sanjay is a human resource or "Talent Specialist" with more than 21 years of experience of hiring across all industries and levels and managing relationships with companies across India.

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